پشت پرده استقرارمجاهدین خلق در کمپ کوزوو


پشت پرده استقرارمجاهدین خلق در کمپ کوزوو

 مزدا پارسی، انجمن نجات، مرکز فارس به نقل از گلوبال ریسرچ، بیستم اوت ۲۰۱۸:…  در بخشی که از سوابق خشونت آمیز مجاهدین خلق می نویسد، مکس پری به قتل شهروندان امریکایی اشاره میکند و تاکید می کند «شواهد درباره سوابق خشونت آمیز گروه در گذشته و حال فراوان هستند.» او مجاهدین خلق را نمونه دیگری از «برچسب زنی مجدد به تروریسم » می داند که … 

Albania-Ashraf 3-260-410

لینک به منبع

لینکه به متن انگلیسی (گلوبال ریسرچ)

پشت پرده استقرارمجاهدین خلق در کمپ کوزوو

توسط انجمن نجات مرکز فارس در ۲۹ مرداد ۱۳۹۷

در اوایل ماه آگوست، مکس پری روزنامه نگار مستقل و تحلیل گر ژئوپولیتیک آمریکایی که در نشریات مختلفی چون گلوبال ریسرچ و مدیوم مقالاتش منتشر می شود، در مقاله ای از رفتار فریبکارانه دولت های آمریکا و اسرائیل برای دستکاری اخبار و اطلاعات و انحراف افکار عمومی از واقعیت ها، گفت و در بخش نسبتا طولانی از این مقاله، به مجاهدین خلق نیز به عنوان ابزاری در دستان سرویس های جاسوسی آمریکا و اسرائیل در میانه جنگ و خصومت با جمهوری اسلامی، پرداخت. این مقاله که عنوانش « قائله ترامپ و روسیه، دخالت های اسرائیل و جنگ پیش رو با ایران را پنهان می کند» بود، فاش می کند که مجاهدین خلق پس از انتقال از عراق به اروپا نه تنها در آلبانی بلکه در کمپ تحت اشغال ناتو در کوزوو اسکان داده شدند تا برای فعالیت های بی ثبات کننده و تغییر رژیم در ایران آموزش ببینند.

نویسنده مقاله بر این باور است که از زمان انتخابات ریاست جمهوری امریکا تا کنون که دانلد ترامپ رئیس جمهور است، رابطه ترامپ با دولت روسیه بر روی تمام مسائل اصلی و مهمی که به دولت او مربوط است سرپوش گذاشته است. به عقیده مکس پری این ماجرا همه پوشش های خبری درباره سیاست های مخرب داخلی و جنگ های بی پایان دولت آمریکا در خارج از کشور را به حاشیه رانده است. همچنین توجه ها را از دولت های دیگری که در سیاست های داخلی آمریکا دخالت دارند منحرف کرده است.
او اذعان می کند که خبر ها درباره روابط ترامپ و پوتین مبتنی بر شواهد و حقایق نیست بلکه بیشتر عملیات روانی است که نهاد های اطلاعاتی در رسانه ها راه انداخته اند. او می نویسد: «روابط عمیق و نزدیک میان اسرائیل و ترامپ در خبرها نمی آیند و حتی عادی جلوه داده می شوند. رابطه با اسرائیل مسلم و پرسش ناپذیر است و به همین دلیل کاملا قابل پذیرش نمایانده می شود.»

به باور مکس پری، اگر یک دولت خارجی باشد که دخالت مستقیم و همیشگی در انتخابات آمریکا داشته باشد آن دولت اسرائیل است که از طریق لابی های قدرتمندش در امور داخلی آمریکا دخالت دارد. وی به نقش بانفوذترین لابی اسرائیل یعنی «ایپک» اشاره می کند که به نوشته او «بر همه سطوح انتخابات آمریکا نظارت دارد و با پرداخت رشوه و باج، حمایت اکثریت کنگره را جلب کرده است.»

مکس پری چند نمونه از روابط اطلاعاتی عمیق میان شرکت های جاسوسی اسرائیلی با شرکت ها و مقامات آمریکایی از جمله پسر رییس جمهور آمریکا دانلد ترامپ جونیور، را افشا می کند. ازجمله قرداد هایی که جونیور با شرکت اسرائیلی بسته است که تخصصش در دستکاری کردن اطلاعات در شبکه های اجتماعی ست. همچنین از شرکت های جاسوسی اسرائیلی دیگری می نویسد که از دستکاری اکانت های فیس بوک تا هک کردن انتخابات نیجریه را در سوابق کاری خود دارند.

نویسنده به رفتار بی سابقه آمریکا در همراهی با دولت اسرائیل اشاره می کند اما معتقد است که انتقال سفارت آمریکا از تلآویو به اورشلیم با تصویب نود درصد اعضای سنا انجام گرفته است که نشان می دهد در تاریخ هفتاد ساله روابط آمریکا با اسرائیل، آمریکا هرگز در مناقشه فلسطین – اسرائیل بی طرف نبوده است.

در رابطه با دشمن قسم خورده این دو کشور یعنی جمهوری اسلامی ایران، نتانیاهو «گستاخانه» مخالفت خود با توافق هسته ای را اعلام کرد و به نوشته مکس پری «حتی از طریق شبکه های جاسوسی افشا شد که سازمان جاسوسی خود نتانیاهو، ادعاهای او درباره توانایی های هسته ای ایران را نقض می کند.»

نویسنده مقاله از کلیپی می نویسد که به تازگی منتشر شد اما در سایه اجلاس هلسینکی و دیدار پوتین با ترامپ و تیتر های پرشمار اخبار، نادیده گرفته شد. در این کلیپ نتانیاهو مغروارنه ادعا می کند که او ترامپ را قانع کرده است که از توافق هسته ای بیرون بیاید.

سپس، نویسنده به نقش مجاهدین خلق در میانه روابط جاسوسی عمیق میان آمریکا و اسرائیل می پردازد: « مجاهدین خلق گروهی فرقه گرا ست که در تبعید در پی براندازی حکومت ایران است و برای پانزده سال رسما در فهرست گروه های تروریستی دولت آمریکا بود اما پس از لشکرکشی تهاجمی لابی های شاخه سیاسی اش، شورای ملی مقاومت، توسط دولت اوباما از فهرست حذف شد.» وی از مبالغ هنگفتی که مجاهدین خلق به افرادی چون رودی جولیانی و جان بولتون پرداخته اند تا به نفعشان سخنرانی کنند، می نویسد.

در بخشی که از سوابق خشونت آمیز مجاهدین خلق می نویسد، مکس پری به قتل شهروندان امریکایی اشاره میکند و تاکید می کند «شواهد درباره سوابق خشونت آمیز گروه در گذشته و حال فراوان هستند.»

او مجاهدین خلق را نمونه دیگری از «برچسب زنی مجدد به تروریسم » می داند که هنگامی که تروریسم با منافع آمریکا همخوانی داشته باشد در عین «جنگی مبهم با تروریسم»، مورد حمایت قرار می گیرد. او می نویسد: « تصمیم به حذف مجاهدین خلق از فهرست سیاه اقدامی سیاسی بود در حالی که فعالیت های جنایتکارانه مجاهدین خلق هرگز قطع نشده بود.» وی در ادامه می نویسد که «انگیزه دیگر آمرکیا از حمایت از مجاهدین خلق، روابط نزدیک این گروه با اسرائیل بود، چرا که سازمان جاسوسی موساد عوامل مجاهدین خلق را برای ارتکاب به قتل دانشمندان هسته ای ایران آموزش داده است.»

او با مرور تاریخ مجاهدین خلق از بدو تاسیس تا کنون درباره ناپدید شدن مسعود رجوی از زمان حمله امریکا به عراق چنین می نویسد: « تا امروز معلوم نیست که مسعود رجوی کجاست. از آن زمان تا کنون همسرش مریم رجوی، گروه را رهبری کرده است و همان کیش شخصیتی را که حول محور رهبریت شوهرش وجود داشت همراه با حذف منتقدین، کشتن جداشده ها و در عین حال جا زدن فرقه تروریستی اش در قالب سازمانی دمکراسی خواه، ادامه داده است. »

او از شرایط سازمان پس از سقوط صدام و حمله نیروهای عراقی به پایگاه های سازمان می نویسد و درباره انتقال اعضای مجاهدین خلق به آلبانی نکته جدیدی را عنوان می کند: « فرقه رجوی از آن پس در آلبانی و کمپ تحت اشغال ناتو در کوزوو اسکان داده شده است که در آنجا این گروه حامیان اسلام گرای بسیاری دارد. در تیرانا پایتخت آلبانی، این گروه تبعیدی در مجموعه ای به نام «اشرف ۳» مستقر است. این گروه همچنین از سوی سی آی ای به عنوان تشکیلاتی شناخته می شود که علیه حکومت عراق، خود را با داعش همسو کرده است. مجاهدین خلق و داعش احتمالا برای حملات تروریستی ژوئن ۲۰۱۷ در ایران درست هنگامیکه ترامپ تحریم ها را علیه ایران شدت داده بود، همکاری کرده اند.»

مکس پری در ادامه درباره فعالیت های تروریستی کنونی مجاهدین خلق می نویسد: «بنا به گزارش ها، مجاهدین خلق علاوه بر اشرف سه، در کمپ نظامی تحت اشغال ناتو در کوزوو به نام کمپ باندستیل مشغول گرفتن آموزش برای عملیات تغییر رژیم احتمالی در ایران هستند.»

وی به نقل از یک سازمان جاسوسی استرالیایی، به احتمال حمله نظامی ترامپ به ایران در ماه جاری اشاره می کند و معتقد است که تصمیم گیری برای اسکان مجاهدین خلق در کمپ کوزوو با سابقه تارخی این کمپ منطبق است. چراکه به نوشته او این کمپ در زمان دولت کلینتون برای استقرار یک گروه تروریستی اسلامی به نام «ارتش آزادی بخش کوزوو» که از فهرست تروریستی خارج کرده بود، تاسیس شد. از این گروه بعد ها در بمباران بلگراد در سال ۱۹۹۹ پشتیبانی شد.

مزدا پارسی


Russiagate Conceals Israeli Meddling and Coming War with Iran

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Russiagate Conceals Israeli Meddling and Coming War with Iran

By Max Parry 

Since taking office a year and a half ago, the allegations of ‘collusion’ between U.S. President Donald Trump’s election campaign and the Russian government have buried nearly all other substantive issues in regards to his administration. This hasn’t been limited to marginalizing reportage of destructive domestic legislation or the escalation of endless war abroad. It has successfully diverted attention away from other foreign governments shaping U.S. policy and elections. The media has even downplayed Trump’s sycophantic behavior towards other heads of state in favor of their pathological obsession with his perceived obsequiousness toward Russian President Vladimir Putin. This is largely because “Russiagate” is not based on facts or evidence, but a psychological operation conducted by the intelligence community through mass media disseminating suggestive and pre-selected disinformation about Trump and Russia. Not only has it enabled the national security state and political establishment to neutralize the anti-Trump “resistance”, it has become a smokescreen for the ‘collusion’ between Trump and the state of Israel which continues to guide his decision making.

One month after his shocking victory and before his inauguration, one of the top members of Trump’s transition team, National Security Advisor Michael Flynn, directly contacted members of the UN Security Council and urged them to block a draft resolution that condemned illegal Israeli settlements in occupied Palestinian territory. General Flynn corresponded with diplomats from several foreign governments (including Russia) to learn their stance on the resolution and tried to persuade them to vote against it. Flynn would later plead guilty to making false statements to the FBI about his discussions with the Russian Ambassador to the U.S., Sergey Kislyak. The Israeli government candidly admitted to seeking help from Trump’s transition team and it was his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, who put Flynn up to the task. However, it is not unusual for foreign officials to communicate with an incoming administration and Flynn lobbied envoys from other nations in addition to Russia.

None of this prevented the media from neglecting the substance of Flynn’s guilty plea to Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation, which is that he likely gave the FBI incomplete information about his communication with Kislyak only because the Trump campaign was already under inquiry for ties to the Kremlin. In a mindless frenzy, the media have presumed this correspondence between Flynn and a Russian official was evidence of a diabolical plot between Trump and the Kremlin that occurred during the election. The fact that the transition team did collude with Israel or the actual content of his talks with the Russian Ambassador was reduced to a footnote. It is not that the double-dealing between Israel and Trump has been unreported, but rather it is normalized and deemed completely acceptable because relations with Israel are unquestionable.

If there is a foreign country which routinely interferes i n U.S. elections , it is the state of Israel through its immeasurably powerful lobbying groups. Its most influential organization is the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), which is not forced to register as a foreign agent as its tentacles permeate into all aspects of the democratic process. AIPAC closely monitors American elections at every level, blackmailing the support of the entire U.S. congress to deliberately ignore Israel’s reckless violation of international law, its ever-expanding illegal occupation of Palestine, and war crimes in Gaza and Lebanon. For the same reason, the media continues to whitewash the IDF’s ongoing massacres on the Gaza strip, while the mantra of “Putin kills journalists!” is chanted as Israeli snipers murder Palestinian journalists on camera wearing “PRESS” across their chests. In turn, the Zionist lobby manipulates the bias of major news outlets and infiltrates the rosters of the Washington elite think tank community. Israel disrupts U.S. elections and impacts the media far and away more than any other country, but even mentioning this fact can relegate a journalist to marginal publications or risk being publicly smeared as an anti-Semite.

Recently, it was revealed that Donald Trump Jr. and Blackwater founder Erik Prince had met with an Israeli private intelligence firm called PSY-Group offering social media manipulation services in August 2016. Most of the mainstream media coverage minimized the significance that the firm is an Israel-based company, whose ominous motto is to “Shape Reality.” Instead, coverage of the Mueller probe has focused exclusively on the Russian-based Internet Research Agency indicted by the U.S. Justice Department for “conspiracy to defraud the United States.” The premise that an internet marketing and clickbait scam company owned by a ex-hot dog salesman could have swayed the election of the most powerful country in human history simply by sharing memes and buying Facebook ads through phony social media accounts is beyond comprehension.

While blame for election interference has been squarely placed on Russia, Israel has managed to escape free from any scrutiny despite the disclosures about PSY-Group. Meanwhile the consulting firm Cambridge Analytica, founded by Breitbart CEO/White House Chief Strategist Stephen K. Bannonand pro-Trump billionaire Robert Mercer, became the center of controversy when it was exposed for illegally mining the data of millions of Facebook users as it worked for the Trump and Brexit campaigns. Yet according to a whistleblower, the firm had also employed the Israeli private security firm Black Cube to hack an election in Nigeria. Black Cube is the same agency formed by ex-Mossad agents implicated in the Harvey Weinstein scandal that sparked the #MeToo movement. Why has this revelation aroused little to no interest from the Mueller team or the media?

If an analysis were based on Trump’s actual policies, there would be no clearer front-runner for impact on his governance than Israel. It goes beyond his plans for a border wall being modeled after the West Bank and Egypt-Sinai barrier fences. As President, he has surpassed each of his predecessors in out-and-out support for the Jewish state and hostility towards the Palestinians. The controversial decision to move the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, approved by 90 out of 100 Senators, has irreparably damaged any remaining belief that the U.S. was ever a neutral peace broker in seventy years of Israeli-Palestinian relations. The move to recognize Jerusalem as the ‘undivided’ capital of Israel has been his most bipartisan measure — coastal elite liberals and the Bible Belt may like to appear worlds apart, but on fanatical support for Israel they too are ‘undivided.’ The Israel lobby has long held sway over both major parties and it was Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer who led the applause of Trump’s Jerusalem decision, the same fanatical Zionist who has sought to make boycotting of Israel a felony crime.

Israel has also determined much of Trump’s other foreign policy moves, especially those towards its sworn enemy — the Islamic Republic of Iran. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu adamantly opposed the nuclear deal framework even though spy cables revealed that his own intelligence agency contradicts his claims about their nuclear capabilities. The motive for Iran to agree to the nuclear deal was primarily to alleviate the damage done from decades of economic sanctions by the U.S. The crisis itself is engineered — in actuality Iran long ago ended its nuclear program but it’s wounded economy forced it into accepting the terms of the now abandoned Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). As if this weren’t enough, a recently leaked clip of Benjamin Netanyahu bragging about convincing Trump to withdraw from the Iran deal was made public but was buried in the headlines during the Helsinki summit with Putin. This collusion didn’t bother Democrats one bit as both parties just unanimously approved a $38-billion aid package to Israel for the next ten years.

It was Trump’s opponent in the 2016 election, Hillary Clinton, who as Secretary of State delisted the Mojahedin-e-Khalq (People’s Mujahideen of Iran) from the State Department’s list of terrorist organizations in 2012. The militant organization (abbreviated MEK, MKO or PMOI) is a cult-like group in exile which advocates the violent overthrow of the Iranian government and was officially designated a terror group for 15 years by the U.S. It was removed by the Obama administration after aggressive lobbying by its political wing based in France, the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI). Two of Trump’s top associates — war hawk National Security Advisor John Bolton and his lawyer representing him in the Mueller probe, former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani — have repeatedly met with the MEK in recent years giving highly paid speeches at their events advocating regime change in Iran.

Founded in 1965, the MEK committed terrorist attacks throughout the Shah’s reign which killed thousands of Iranians and also included several plots that took the lives of U.S. personnel. The group today claims the attacks which killed Americans were committed by a breakaway Marxist faction of the group during a period when the Shah imprisoned its founder, Massoud Rajavi, but the evidence of it’s violent past (and present) is overwhelming. This is yet another instance of the U.S. re-branding terrorism when it suits its interests while simultaneously conducting a vaguely defined war against it. The decision to remove the group from the blacklist was a politicized move as the criminal activity of the MEK has never ceased. Another motive has been the group’s close ties with Israel, whose intelligence agency Mossad has trained MEK operatives in committing assassinations against Iranian nuclear scientists.

In 1979, the MEK participated in the Islamic Revolution which overthrew the U.S.-backed Shah. Persian royalty had been in power for more than 2,000 years, but the Pahlavi monarchy had been re-installed as a U.S. puppet following a CIA/MI6 coup d’etat in 1953 green-lighted by Winston Churchill and the Eisenhower administration. The illegal putsch ousted the first ever democratically-elected President of Iran, Mohammad Mosaddegh, who had nationalized the Iranian oil industry and thrown out foreign oil companies like the Anglo-Persian Oil Company, later known as British Petroleum (BP), recently known for the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. The Shah ruled brutally over Iran serving Western oil interests until the Islamic Revolution which was a huge loss for U.S. hegemony that it has sought to regain ever since. After the popular uprising, Ayatollah Khomeini consolidated power and pushed out the leftist participants, liberal elements and rival Islamists like the MEK. The group was then outlawed and went into exile after a failed insurrection.

MEK_MKO_Mojahedin_Khalq_demo_khomeiniMEK demonstation during the Revolution when it was aligned with Khomeini

During the Iran-Iraq war in the 1980s, Saddam Hussein (then supported by the U.S.) allowed the MEK to operate in Iraq, providing weapons and funding to carry out terrorist attacks against Tehran. When the U.S. invaded Baghdad in 2003, the remaining MEK and its nearly 3,000 Iranian exiles were given protection status by the Bush administration in U.S. military facilities. Massoud Rajavi disappeared during the U.S. invasion and to this day his whereabouts are still unknown. His wife, Maryam Rajavi, has led the group since and continued the cult of personality that existed around her husband’s leadership, purging critics and assassinating defectors while rebranding the terror cult as a ‘pro-democracy’ organization. The new Iraqi government began to develop close relations with Iran during the period which saw the rise of ISIS and the MEK were suddenly no longer welcome. Iraqi security forces raided their base in Camp Ashraf killing dozens of MEK members, a sign of waning U.S. influence in post-Saddam Iraq. The Rajavi cult have since been evicted and relocated to Albania and NATO-occupied Kosovo where the group has strong Islamist supporters. In Albania’s capitol Tirana, the exiled opposition group is currently based in a compound known as ‘Ashraf 3’.

MEK_MKO_Mojahedin_Khalq_Maryam_Rajavi_facility_AlbaniaPhotograph of the secret MEK facility in Albania

The group is also known by the CIA to have aligned itself with ISIS against the Iranian-backed government in Iraq that expelled them. ISIS and MEK even likely coordinated terrorist attacks in June 2017 in Iran just as the Trump administration increased the economic sanctions. In addition to Ashraf 3, the MEK is allegedly being trained at the NATO military base in Kosovo, Camp Bondsteel, possibly for a regime change operation in Iran. Concurrently, Trump is reported to be preparing to strike Tehran as early as this month according to the Australian Geo-Spatial Intelligence Organization, just as he tweeted threats at Iranian President Hassan Rouhani. The decision to use Kosovo as a base of operations for the MEK is consistent with the protectorate’s history — it was established after seceding from Serbia when the Clinton administration supported another de-listed Islamist terror group, the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA), in NATO’s bombing campaign against Belgrade in 1999.

Trump rhetorically has been a harsh critic of NATO and the media has used this as further ‘evidence’ of his secret allegiance to the Kremlin, but an examination of his actual courses of action show the contrary. NATO has already expanded to include Montenegro in it’s membership and Trump is sending arms to Ukraine in its war against pro-Russian separatists. The National Security Council added an additional $200 million worth in support immediately following the Helsinki summit in a move the Obama administration had opted against. Even a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council, a NATO-funded think tank, assessed that Trump has taken a very hard-line stance on Russia despite the photo opportunity with Putin. After all, the summit did not result in the lifting of sanctions or the recognition of Crimea as Russian territory as some predicted. Apart from his rhetoric, what policies has Trump enacted that appease Russian interests?

If his statements and policies diverge, what remains a mystery is the intention behind his dialogue with Russia. Many speculate it is an effort to realign Washington with Moscow to halt the ascent of China while driving a wedge between Iran and Russia. While Putin may have rebuilt the Russian economy, the claim that Moscow has become a rival ‘superpower’ is greatly exaggerated — Washington’s main geopolitical challenger is China. Obama’s “pivot to Asia” turned out to be a catastrophic failure, as did the attempt to oust Assad in Syria and desperation move to covertly back the failed Gülenist coup in Turkey. Regardless of whether Trump’s motive is to reset U.S. foreign policy or the unlikely possibility Putin would ever agree to an alliance against China, the imaginary Russian collusion narrative is subterfuge which benefits Israel. It is either inadvertently or purposefully concealing the principal guilty party in meddling in the U.S. election — Benjamin Netanyahu and Israel.

The 2016 election was a contest over how best to arrange the deck chairs of the Titanic — either way the empire has overplayed its hand and the ship was going down no matter the outcome. We are told that American voters, specifically the “white working class”, were too stupid to think for themselves. They did not follow orders from the “polls” predicting a 90% chance of a Clinton victory, which really were belittling instructions as to how to vote. We are led to believe they chose to elect a populist demagogue instead of Wall Street’s darling because they were brainwashed by ‘Russian interference’, not the collusion on the part of the DNC to rig the primaries in Clinton’s favor. Apparently, this same logic does not apply when Israel interrupts US elections — their interference doesn’t rob Americans of their agency in the voting process.

Israel is also directly supporting the ascendancy of the far right in the West that the same liberals have raised the alarm about while pointing the finger at Moscow. In the EU, Israel has close ties with Hungary’s anti-Semitic President Viktor Orban and the other nations of the Visegrád 4 Group in the grip of anti-immigrant hostility. It is even providing military aid to the neo-Nazi Azov Battalion in Ukrainefighting pro-Russian separatists. The links between the U.S. far right and Zionist organizations is also no secret, with Steve Bannon having spoken at ZOA galas despite being an alleged anti-Semite. Israel controversially just passed the “Jewish nation-state” law that mirrors Nazi Germany’s Nuremberg Race laws, inscribing ethno-nationalism and the complete exclusion of Arabs into its very definition as a state. At the same time, the definition of anti-Semitism has been conflated into being synonymous with criticism of Israel, which is the exact sentiment that is causing the media to disregard Trump’s collusion with Netanyahu in favor of Russiagate. It is also the same schizophrenic logic that enables Israel to align itself with the far right.

If history is any indicator, when an empire is in decline it will seek out scapegoats to place blame for its downfall. It is no coincidence that while the far right expresses hostility towards immigration and the demise of the nation state by globalism, the political establishment is inculpating the rising power of Russia for the end of America’s full spectrum dominance. When all is said and done, the Democratic Party will only have itself to blame for its utterly failed strategy of atomizing the working class on cultural issues while neglecting to address the collapsing global economy. We can only hope that its defeat will open new political space for those who wish to confront it.

Max Parry is an independent journalist and geopolitical analyst. His work has appeared in publications such as The Greanville Post, OffGuardian, CounterPunch and more. Read him onMedium. Max may be reached at maxrparry@live.com

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